Chief Executive Officer
Joel Walton has been the CEO of the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands, which has owned and operated the Cayman Islands Shipping Registry (also known as the Cayman Registry) since May 2004. Previously, Mr. Walton served in various posts within the Cayman Islands public sector, including as Deputy Financial Secretary of the Cayman Islands for 11 years.
Mr. Walton has held appointments on a number of boards and committees in the Cayman public and private sectors. These include: Chairman of the Maritime Sector Consultative Committee; Deputy Chairman of the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority; Chairman of the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority; Chairman of the Company Sector Consultative Committee; Deputy Chairman of the Cayman Islands Public Service Pensions Board, and Deputy Chairman of the Cayman Islands Stock Exchange Authority. Mr. Walton has also held other board appointments, including, with the Caribbean Utilities Company Ltd., a TSE-listed company, and with the Caribbean Development Bank.
In 1983, Mr. Walton obtained a Bachelor of Administration (Hons) degree with a specialisation in Finance and an MBA in 1988 with a concentration in Finance and Strategic Planning.