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New Yacht Committee Formed

The 12th annual Cayman Islands Shipowners’ Advisory Council (CISAC) was held this month over the course of two days.

The CISAC is made up of shipping company representatives, owners, operators, managers and demise charterers with vessels of over 1500 gross tonnes which operate internationally and are registered in the Cayman Islands. Some member companies of the CISAC include Stolt Nielsen, Eurocarriers, Premuda and Sea Pioneer.

The meeting enables its members and the islands’ maritime administration – Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands (MACI) - to engage in topical discussions. These talks are held with a view to maintaining and continually improving the quality of the administration, as well as promoting its interests in general.

This year a new component was added to the CISAC forum – The Yacht Committee. This Committee was formed with the purpose of maintaining the CISR’s position as the leading flag for large yachts. The Yacht Committee is made up of CISR key clients involved in the construction, management and operational aspects of Large Yachts, those being companies such as Fraser Yachts, Nigel Burgess, Döhle (Private Marine Clients), and Hill Robinson.

Some topics on the agenda for the CISAC meetings were issues such as Maritime Safety, with specific mention of Port State Control and Qualship 21. These discussions served to remind and update the CISAC and the CISR of current standards and regulations. Guest speaker from Lloyd’s Register, Alex Johnston, spoke on common structural rules for tankers and bulk carriers.

The Inaugural Yacht Committee meetings focused on the introduction of its Constitution and Rules of Procedure, as well as the election of its members. Topics discussed at the YC meetings included Crew Compliance and the Large Yacht Code 2.

The two-day conference was also an opportunity for MACI to present its CEO Report and Business Development initiatives.

Mr. Andreas Ugland Sr., Honorary Member of the CISAC, was presented with an Award of Appreciation for ten years of dedicated service to the Council.

The CISAC meetings are often held at international venues as well as on-island locations. This year the meeting took place in Grand Cayman. His Excellency the Governor Stuart Jack hosted a reception in honour of the CISAC and CISAC -YC. At the end of the two-day conference closing remarks were made by Chairman of the CISAC, Nigel Cleave of Epic Ship Management based in Cyprus and A. Joel Walton, CEO of MACI.

For further information contact: Corporate Communications