George Town, CAYMAN ISLANDS 29 May 2018:
The Cayman Islands has been designated to host the 23rd annual meeting of the Caribbean Port State Control Committee (CPSCC 23) for the Caribbean Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Port State Control (PSC). The meeting will take place 27 – 29 June, 2018 at the Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Resort.
The Caribbean MOU on PSC is a regime which maintains a watchful eye throughout the Caribbean region to ensure that shipping is conducted in a safe, secure and environmentally friendly manner. The Cayman Islands Shipping Registry (CISR), a division of the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands, has the Cayman Islands Government-delegated responsibility for the implementation of the Cayman Islands responsibilities under the Caribbean MOU on PSC.
The Cayman Islands is a Member State of the Caribbean MOU for PSC, which has a membership of 25 countries. PSC is globally recognized as an effective tool to reduce the number of sub-standard ships operating on the seas. It is a second line of defense that helps to preserve the safety and security of life, property and the marine environment, as some flag State Administrations fail to effectively enforce the implementation of international agreements on vessels flying their flags.
PSC is the inspection of foreign flagged ships that call into national ports, and it is conducted by maritime authorities around the world. PSC officers (inspectors) inspect the competency of the master and officers on board, and the condition of the ship, and certifies that its equipment complies with the requirements of international conventions such as the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) convention; International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL); International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW); the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC); and others relevant to the maritime industry.
Under the Caribbean MOU on PSC, CISR helps to ensure that requirements are met for safety, security, and prevention from pollution of foreign ships visiting Cayman. If not, Cayman as the Port State has a duty to take steps to minimize the risks to the ship, the crew on board and the marine environment. They may even detain the ship if it is found to be sufficiently non-compliant.
Member countries have agreed to adopt a common approach to conducting PSC inspections and to share information on ships they have inspected. The Caribbean MOU ensures that PSC is a level playing field for foreign ships visiting our region.
The Caribbean MOU works in partnership with the Paris and Tokyo MOUs, making PSC a global effort to ensure effective and harmonized inspection procedures are followed throughout European, Asian Pacific and Caribbean waters. The three MOUs work closely with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and have been amended several times to accommodate new safety and marine environment requirements stemming from the IMO, as well as requirements related to the working and living conditions of seafarers. Cayman holds top positions on both the Paris and Tokyo MOUs, a testament to the quality of the fleet flying the Cayman Flag.
MACI CEO Joel Walton commented, “We are pleased to host this event for such an important regional body; a body which seeks to protect the Caribbean region from pollutants through the reduction of the number of substandard ships. In addition, the Caribbean MOU ensures that the seafarers operating these ships are appropriately trained and qualified to do so, and receive fair and equitable treatment. We are also pleased with the continued growth of the Caribbean PSC , and proud that we actively participate in its continued developments.”
MACI is one of the portfolio responsibilities of the Minister of Financial Services and Home Affairs, the Hon. Tara Rivers. “Port State Control is a commendable global effort, with the Caribbean MOU working in collaboration with the Paris and Tokyo MOUs to maintain the safety and security of life at sea as well as the preservation of the world’s oceans and seas,” she said.
“We are very pleased to be valued as one of the world’s leading flags as we continue to strive towards excellence. I congratulate our team on upholding these standards every day and ensuring that shipowners can carry the Cayman flag with pride.”
Attending the CPSCC 23 will be member delegates from Antigua & Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Curaçao, France, Guyana, Jamaica, The Netherlands, St. Kitts & Nevis, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago; and observer member states Bermuda, Haiti and Sint Maarten. In addition, there will be international representation from the International Maritime Organisation, Paris MOU, and United States Coast Guard.
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